Command Reference Guide

Platform LSF Command Reference 185
Specifies the current working directory for the job.
By default, if the current working directory is not accessible on the execution host,
the job runs in
/tmp. If the environment variable
LSB_EXIT_IF_CWD_NOTEXIST is set to Y and the current working directory is
not accessible on the execution host, the job exits with the exit code 2.
-D data_limit Sets a per-process (soft) data segment size limit for each of the processes that belong
to the batch job (see
getrlimit(2)). The limit is specified in KB.
This option affects calls to
sbrk() and brk() . An sbrk() or malloc() call to
extend the data segment beyond the data limit returns an error.
NOTE: Linux does not use sbrk() and brk() within its calloc() and malloc(). Instead, it
uses (mmap()) to create memory. DATALIMIT cannot be enforced on Linux applications that call
sbrk() and malloc().
-E "pre_exec_command [arguments ...]"
Runs the specified pre-execution command on the execution host before actually
running the job. For a parallel job, the pre-execution command runs on the first
host selected for the parallel job. If you want the pre-execution command to run on
a specific first execution host, specify one or more first execution host candidates at
the job level using
-m, at the queue level with PRE_EXEC in lsb.queues, or at the
application level with
PRE_EXEC in lsb.applications.
If the pre-execution command returns a zero (0) exit code, LSF runs the job on the
selected host. Otherwise, the job and its associated pre-execution command goes
back to PEND status and is rescheduled. LSF keeps trying to run pre-execution
commands and pending jobs. After the pre-execution command runs successfully,
LSF runs the job. You must ensure that the pre-execution command can run
multiple times without causing side effects, such as reserving the same resource
more than once.
The standard input and output for the pre-execution command are directed to the
same files as the job. The pre-execution command runs under the same user ID,
environment, home, and working directory as the job. If the pre-execution
command is not in the user’s usual execution path (the
$PATH variable), the full path
name of the command must be specified.
-Ep "post_exec_command [arguments ...]"
Runs the specified post-execution command on the execution host after the job
If both application-level (
POST_EXEC in lsb.applications) and job-level
post-execution commands are specified, job level post-execution overrides
application-level post-execution commands. Queue-level post-execution
commands (
POST_EXEC in lsb.queues) run after application-level post-execution
and job-level post-execution commands.
-e error_file Specify a file path. Appends the standard error output of the job to the specified file.