Competitive Comparison: Intel I/O Acceleration Technology vs. TCP Offload Engine

Competitive Comparison
Intel® I/O Acceleration Technology vs.
TCP Offload Engine
Competitive Guide
Intel® Advanced Technologies
Business Enterprise
Rely on Intel® I/O Acceleration Technology
(Intel® I/OAT) to boost server I/O
throughput with fast, scalable, and reliable network acceleration in your Quad-Core
and Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 5000
sequence-based servers. Intel I/OAT
is the new acceleration technology that outperforms the TCP offload engine
(TOE) approach and delivers leading network and I/O performance.
Intel I/OAT:
Reduces CPU overhead by improving
data flow in the network, chipset, and host
operating system (OS), leaving more
application processing overhead.
Is a safe and flexible I/O acceleration
choice with broad industry support, including
Microsoft Windows* Server 2003 and
leading Linux* distributions.
Uses native protocol stacks to avoid
support risks of third-party network stacks.
Preserves existing network capabilities,
like teaming, failover, and virtual LANs (VLANs).
Significantly outperforms TOE throughput
and CPU utilization in network, teaming,
and application tests.

Summary of content (4 pages)