Maximizing File Transfer Performance Using 10Gb Ethernet and Virtualization

offs may or may not be applicable for a
given network environment, but they
do indicate an effective technique for
gaining better performance with fewer
to work with the Linux community to
processors will have a new instruction set
enhancement to improve performance for
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) bulk
rates when bulk encryption is turned on
Best Practices for Native Linux
Follow these practices to achieve the best
Configuration: PCIe Gen1 x8 minimum
for 1x 10G port; PCIe Gen2 x8 minimum
for 2x 10G ports on one card
BIOS settings: Turn ON Energy Efficient
mode (Turbo, EIST), SMT, NUMA
support (enabled by default in RHEL);
Transmit (Tx) is currently limited to one
queue in RHEL, SLES 11RC supports MQ Tx
and single-threaded MAC layer
bulk transfer; defaults to four threads
overcome tool thread limits and
(code-named Westmere) and future
Achieving Native Performance
in a Virtualized Environment
Earlier sections illustrated effective
performance using various tools in the
Linux native environment and described
The following sections examine
performance in a virtualized environment
to determine the level of network
throughput that can be achieved for both
In this virtualized environment, the test
systems are provisioned with VMware
The test systems are connected back-
to-back over 10G with VMDq enabled in
team used the same application tools and
The team used the esxtop utility for
Within the virtualized environment, these
without the VMDq feature
CASE 1: One Virtual Machine with
Eight vCPUs and 12 GB RAM
transfer tools for transferring a directory
Similar to the testing done in the native
Linux case, the test team compared the
Figure 8 shows the receive network
throughput and total average CPU
utilization for the micro-benchmark, such
native data with the data results in the
Figure 7.
VM1 (8 vCPU) VM1 (8 vCPU)
File Transfer
Directly connected
File Transfer
File Transfer
 
VMware® ESX® 4.0 VMware® ESX® 4.0
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