User Guide

362 Chapter 19 Application Security
<cfapplication name="Personnel">
Using the cfimpersonate Tag
The cfimpersonate tag gives ColdFusion developers a way to execute a segment of
code in a secure manner. This tag is useful when you want to briefly grant a type of
access that you would normally withhold. Suppose you are an internet service
provider (ISP) who hosts ColdFusion development services. You provide a set of
custom tags that let your customers add features such as hit counters, guest books,
and message boards to the ColdFusion applications they create. To provide this type
of functionality, you must also provide access to some resources that you might
prefer to protect. Using
cfimpersonate provides access to these resources in a safe
manner by wrapping the functionality in a custom tag.
For example, as an ISP, you definitely do not want your customers to access the
cffile tag on your servers. However, if you provide your customers with a hit
counter, you must let them read specific, system-maintained files, in this case, the
file that contains number of hits to the customers home page. You can provide the
hit-counter in a custom tag that uses the
cffile tag. To ensure that the custom tag
can access the
cffile tag, it needs a way to impersonate a trusted user while the tag
is executing and then to revert back to the nontrusted user after the trusted piece of
code executes.
cfimpersonate tag has the following required attributes:
securitycontext Describes which security context to use for authentication
and authorization. This name matches the security context as defined on the
Advanced Security page of the ColdFusion Administrator.
username The username of the user to impersonate.
password The password of the user to impersonate.
type Indicates the type of impersonation to implement, CF for application level
or OS for operating system level. Application-level impersonation lets you
assume the rights assigned to a ColdFusion user by a specified security context.
Operating-system-level impersonation lets you assume the rights assigned to a
Windows NT user by a specified Windows NT domain. Operating-system-level
impersonation is not currently available for UNIX.
In addition,
cfimpersonate has one optional attribute:
throwOnFailure Indicates whether ColdFusion throws an exception of type
Security if authentication fails. Default is Yes.