
A PHASE SELECT SWITCH Select between 0 degrees and 180 degrees phase on the
balanced XLR input. Set in the middle position to active the direct (front access)
B DIRECT INPUT This 1/4 inch phono jack input is activated when the phase select
switch is in the direct (middle) position.
C VARIABLE FEEDBACK Adjusts the feedback and gain therefore, by 2 dB steps.
It is recommended that this switch be set for the least necessary gain for best signal to
noise ratio and least "rush".
D INPUT ATTENUATOR Use this control to allow the desired amount of input
signal into the preamplfier.
E PHANTOM SWITCH Switch ON to engage 48V phantom power to the input XLR
for use on phantom powered microphones. Be certain that you are using a phantom
powered microphone before switching this on, otherwise you will damage the input
transformer's primary windings!
F LED PHANTOM POWER INDICATOR Illuminates when the phantom power is
G LED POWER INDICATOR Illuminates when the unit is powered up.
H POWER SWITCH Switch up to turn on the power, down to turn the power off.