Bridge User Manual

Appendix A HMI Function Reference
© National Instruments Corporation A-79 BridgeVIEW User Manual
Get Tag Description Group
Use the Get Tag Description Group VI to obtain a tag data type (analog, discrete, bit array, or
string), description, and the group to which the tag belongs.
tag name is the name of the tag about which you want to obtain
error in (no error) is a cluster that describes the error status before this VI
executes. For more information about this control, see the section Errors
Not Reported by the BridgeVIEW Engine in this appendix.
data type is the tag type (analog, discrete, bit array, or string).
description is the user-defined description for the tag.
tag group is the tag group to which the tag belongs.
error out is a cluster that describes the error status after this VI executes.
For more information about this indicator, see the section Errors Not
Reported by the BridgeVIEW Engine in this appendix.