Corporation Server User Manual

Oracle HTTP Server Support
Oracle HTTP Server Overview 1-5
Oracle HTTP Server Support
Oracle provides technical support for the following Oracle HTTP Server features
and conditions:
Modules included in the Oracle distribution, except as noted in the table in
Table 1–1, "Oracle HTTP Server Modules". Modules from any other source,
including the Apache Software Foundation, are not supported by Oracle.
Problems that can be reproduced within an Apache configuration consisting
only of supported Oracle Apache modules.
Use of the included Perl interpreter within the supported Apache configuration.
mod_onsint Yes Oracle module.
mod_ossl Yes Oracle module.
mod_perl Yes
mod_plsql Yes Oracle module.
mod_proxy Yes
mod_rewrite Yes
mod_setenvif Yes
mod_so Yes
mod_speling Yes
mod_status Yes
mod_unique_id Yes
mod_userdir Yes
mod_usertrack Yes
mod_vhost_alias Yes
Table 1–1 Oracle HTTP Server Modules (Cont.)
Module Oracle Support Notes