Technical data

About This Guide
The primary audience for this guide is presumed to be end users or administrators who
have some basic computer hardware and software knowledge. The document may also
provide helpful information to eld support personnel and OEM partners.
Additional software-specic information is available in the following software guides:
IRIX Admin: Peripheral Devices
Personal System Administration Guide
IRIS Essentials
automated backup software instructions: IRIX NetWorker Administrator’s Guide and
NetWorker for IRIX User’s Guide
Useful information regarding the host systems that connect to your DLT tape drive can
be found in the owners guides for the host system. Note that system-level owners
guides are shipped with the host system and not with the tape drive.
This guide uses these conventions:
Entries that you are to type exactly as shown are in boldface typewriter font.
IRIX lenames are in italics.
Document names are in italics.
Labels on the tape drives or stacker are in Helvetica Bold.