Technical data

List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Sled-Mounted DLT2000XT Tape Drive 3
Figure 1-2 DLT2000XT Desktop Tape Drive 4
Figure 1-3 External Connectors on the Desktop DLT2000XT Tape Drive 4
Figure 1-4 DLT2500XT Stacker, Front View 5
Figure 1-5 DLT2500XT Stacker, Rear View 5
Figure 2-1 Sled-Mounted DLT2000XT Tape Drive Standard Parts 10
Figure 2-2 SCSI ID Selection Cable and Connectors 12
Figure 2-3 Sled-Mounted Drive SCSI ID Connector Pins 12
Figure 2-4 Setting the SCSI ID on the Sled-Mounted Tape Drive 13
Figure 2-5 Pulling Off the Side Panel and Removing the Retaining Screw 15
Figure 2-6 Removing the Drive Shelf 16
Figure 2-7 Proper DLT2000XT Tape Drive Positioning in the Deskside Drive
Bays 17
Figure 2-8 Installing a DLT2000XT Tape Drive in a Deskside System 18
Figure 2-9 Jumpering the DLT2000XT Sled for a SCSIBox 2 With Mixed SCSI
Devices 19
Figure 2-10 Accessing the Rackmount SCSIBox 2 21
Figure 2-11 Removing the Rackmount SCSIBox 2 Drive Shelf 22
Figure 2-12 Installing the Sled-Mounted DLT2000XT Tape Drive in the Rackmount
SCSIBox 2 23
Figure 2-13 Removing a Drive Shelf From the Vault Rack SCSIBox 2 25
Figure 2-14 Installing the DLT2000XT Tape Drive in the Vault SCSIBox 2 26
Figure 3-1 Desktop DLT2000XT Tape Drive Parts 32
Figure 3-2 SCSI Connection to a Deskside Host System 34
Figure 3-3 Terminating the DLT2000XT Desktop Tape Drive 35
Figure 3-4 Attaching the Power Cord to the Desktop DLT2000XT Tape Drive
Chassis 36
Figure 3-5 Desktop DLT2000XT Power Switch 37