Installation guide

Add any additional disk partitions, volumes or LUNs to the guest so that they can be
accessed via the para-virtualized (xen-vbd) disk driver.
For each additional physical device, LUN, partition or volume add an entry similar to the
one shown below to the “ disk= section in the guest configuration file. The original
disk= entry might also look like the entry below.
disk = [ "file:/var/lib/libvirt/images/rhel4_64_fv.dsk,hda,w"]
Once you have added additional physical devices, LUNs, partitions or volumes; the para-
virtualized driver entry in your XML configuration file should resemble the entry shown
disk = [ "file:/var/lib/libvirt/images/rhel3_64_fv.dsk,hda,w",
"tap:aio:/var/lib/libvirt/images/UserStorage.dsk,xvda,w" ]
Use “ tap:aio for the para-virtualized device if a file-based image is used.
6. Boot the virtual machine using the virsh command:
# virsh start YourGuestName
On the first reboot of the virtual guest, kudzu will ask you to "Keep or Delete the Realtek Network
device" and "Configure the xen-bridge device". You should configure the xen-bridge and delete the
Realtek network device.
Using a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1 host (dom0), the "noapic" parameter should be added
to the kernel boot line in your virtual guest's /boot/grub/grub.conf entry as seen below.
Keep in mind your architecture and kernel version may be different.
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.9-67.EL ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/rhel4_x86_64 rhgb
A Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2 dom0 will not need this kernel parameter for the guest.
Now, verify the partitions which you have created are available.
[root@rhel4]# cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
3 0 10485760 hda
3 1 104391 hda1
3 2 10377990 hda2
202 0 64000 xvdb
202 1 32000 xvdb1
202 2 32000 xvdb2
253 0 8257536 dm-0
253 1 2031616 dm-1
Chapt er 1 2 . Xen Para- virt ualiz ed Drivers