Installation guide

KVM requ iremen t s
The KVM hypervisor requires:
an Intel processor with the Intel VT and the Intel 64 extensions, or
an AMD processor with the AMD -V and the AMD 64 extensions.
See Section 33.6, “ Verifying virtualization extensions to determine if your processor has the
virtualization extensions.
St o rag e su p p o rt
The supported guest storage methods are:
Files on local storage
Physical disk partitions
Locally connected physical LUNs
LVM partitions
iSCSI and Fibre Channel based LUNs
File-based guest images are stored in the /var/lib/libvirt/images/ directory by default.
If you choose to use a different directory you must label the new directory according to
SELinux policy. See Section 19.2, “SELinux and virtualization for details.
Chapt er 1 . Syst em requiremen t s