Installation guide

Below is an example of how to setup a simple environment for live migration. This configuration is
using NFS for the shared storage. NFS is suitable for demonstration environments but for a
production environment a more robust shared storage configuration using Fibre Channel or iSCSI
and G FS is recommended.
The configuration below consists of two servers (et-virt07 and et-virt08), both of them are
using eth1 as their default network interface hence they are using xenbr1 as their Xen networking
bridge. We are using a locally attached SCSI disk (/dev/sdb) on et-virt07 for shared storage
using NFS.
Set up f o r live mig rat ion
Create and mount the directory used for the migration:
# mkdir /var/lib/libvirt/images
# mount /dev/sdb /var/lib/libvirt/images
Ensure the directory is exported with the correct options. If you are exporting the default
directory /var/lib/libvirt/images/ make sure you only export
/var/lib/libvirt/images/ and not/var/lib/xen/ as this directory is used by the xend
daemon and other tools. Sharing /var/lib/xen/ will cause unpredictable behavior.
# cat /etc/exports
/var/lib/libvirt/images *(rw,async,no_root_squash)
Verify it is exported via NFS:
# showmount -e et-virt07
Export list for et-virt07:
/var/lib/libvirt/images *
Inst all th e g u est
The install command in the example used for installing the guest:
# virt-install -p -f /var/lib/libvirt/images/testvm1.dsk -s 5 -n\
testvm1 --vnc -r 1024 -l\
Server/x86-64/os/ -b xenbr1
For step by step installation instructions, see Chapter 8, Guest operating system installation procedures.
Verif y en viro n men t f o r mig rat io n
Make sure the virtualized network bridges are configured correctly and have the same name on both
[et-virt08 ~]# brctl show
bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
xenbr1 8000.feffffffffff no peth1
Chapt er 2 1 . Xen live migrat ion