Installation guide

Cu st o miz e t h e p ackag es ( if req u ired )
Customize the Virtualization group if you require other virtualization packages.
Press the Close button then the Forward button to continue the installation.
You require a valid Red Hat account with the virtualization entitlement to receive updates for
the virtualization packages.
Inst allin g Xen p ackag es wit h K ickst art f iles
This section describes how to use a Kickstart file to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux with the Xen
hypervisor packages. Kickstart files allow for large, automated installations without a user manually
installing each individual system. The steps in this section will assist you in creating and using a
Kickstart file to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux with the virtualization packages.
In the %packages section of your Kickstart file, append the following package group:
Red Hat En t erp rise Lin ux 5 Virt ualizat ion Guid e