Installation guide

root (hd0, 0)
kernel /xen.gz-2.6.17-1.2519.4.21.el5 com1=115200,8n1
module /vmlinuz-2.6.17-1.2519.4.21el5xen ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
module /initrd-2.6.17-1.2519.4.21.el5xen.img
For example, to change the memory entry on your hypervisor (dom0) to 256MB at boot time, edit the
'xen' line and append it with this entry: 'dom0_mem=256M'. This example is the grub.conf with the
hypervisor's memory entry modified.
# boot=/dev/sda
serial --unit=0 --speed =115200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
terminal --timeout=10 serial console
title Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (2.6.17-1.2519.4.21. el5xen)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /xen.gz-2.6.17-1.2519.4.21.el5 com1=115200,8n1 dom0_mem=256MB
module /vmlinuz-2.6.17-1.2519.4.21.el5xen ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
module /initrd-2.6.17-1.2519.4.21.el5xen.img
33.13. Very Secure ftpd
vsftpd can provide access to installation trees for para-virtualized guests (for example, the Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 5 repositories) or other data. If you have not installed vsftpd during the server
installation you can grab the RPM package from your Server directory of your installation media
and install it using the rpm -ivh vsftpd*.rpm (note that the RPM package must be in your
current directory).
1. To configure vsftpd, edit /etc/passwd using vipw and change the ftp user's home
directory to the directory where you are going to keep the installation trees for your para-
virtualized guests. An example entry for the FTP user would look like the following:
ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/xen/pub:/sbin/nologin
2. Verify that vsftpd is not enabled using the chkconfig --list vsftpd:
$ chkconfig --list vsftpd
vsftpd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off
3. Run the chkconfig --levels 345 vsftpd on to start vsftpd automatically for run levels
3, 4 and 5.
4. Use the chkconfig --list vsftpd command to verify the vsftpd daemon is enabled to
start during system boot:
$ chkconfig --list vsftpd
vsftpd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
5. use the service vsftpd start vsftpd to start the vsftpd service:
$service vsftpd start vsftpd
Starting vsftpd for vsftpd: [ OK ]
33.14 . Configuring LUN Persist ence
Red Hat En t erp rise Lin ux 5 Virt ualizat ion Guid e