Installation guide

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.
localhost.localdomain localhost
The correct entry should look similar to the following:
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost
localhost.localdomain localhost
36.10. Microcode error during guest boot
During the boot phase of your virtual machine you may see an error message similar to:
Applying Intel CPU microcode update: FATAL: Module microcode not found.
ERROR: Module microcode does not exist in /proc/modules
As the virtual machine is running on virtual CPUs there is no point updating the microcode.
Disabling the microcode update for your virtual machines will stop this error:
/sbin/service microcode_ctl stop
/sbin/chkconfig --del microcode_ctl
36.11. Pyt hon depreciat ion warning messages when st art ing a virt ual
Sometimes Python will generate a message like the one below, these are often caused by either an
invalid or incorrect configuration file. A configuration file containing non-ascii characters will cause
these errors.The solution is to correct the configuration file or generate a new one.
Another cause is an incorrect configuration file in your current working directory. “ xm create will
look in the current directory for a configuration file and then in /etc/xen
# xm shutdown win2k3xen12
# xm create win2k3xen12
Using config file "win2k3xen12".
/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xm/ DeprecationWarning:
Non-ASCII character '\xc0' in file win2k3xen12 on line 1, but no encoding
declared; see for details
execfile(defconfig, globs, locs)
Error: invalid syntax (win2k3xen12, line 1)
36.12. Enabling Int el VT and AMD-V virt ualizat ion hardware ext ensions
This section describes how to identify hardware virtualization extensions and enable them in your
BIOS if they are disabled.
The Intel VT extensions can be disabled in the BIOS. Certain laptop vendors have disabled the Intel
VT extensions by default in their CPUs.
The virtualization extensions can not be disabled in the BIOS for AMD-V.
Red Hat En t erp rise Lin ux 5 Virt ualizat ion Guid e
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