Installation guide

Choose the virtualization type and click the Forward button.
7. Select t h e inst allat io n met h o d
The Installation Method window asks for the type of installation you selected.
Guests can be installed using one of the following methods:
Local med ia in st allat io n
This method uses a CD-ROM or DVD or an image of an installation CD-ROM or
DVD (an .iso file).
Net wo rk in st allat io n t ree
This method uses a mirrored Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation tree to install
guests. The installation tree must be accessible using one of the following network
protocols: HTTP, FTP or NFS.
The network services and files can be hosted using network services on the host or
another mirror.
Net wo rk b o o t
This method uses a Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) server to install the
Chapt er 7 . G uest inst allat ion overview