
1. The same instructions for Lab Sequence 6 applies here.
Lab Sequence 8: Installing RHEL4 Xen fully virtualized guest using virt-manager
For this lab, you will install a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Xen guest using virt-manager :
1. The same instructions for Lab Sequence 6 applies here.
Lab Sequence 9: Installing Windows XP Xen fully virtualized guest using virt-manager.
For this lab, you will install a Windows XP Xen fully virtualized guest using virt-manager:
1. To install your Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 on your Windows XP host, at the command
prompt type: virt-manager.
2. On the Open Connection window, select Local Xen host, and click on Connect.
3. Start Red Hat's Virtual Machine Manager application, and from the File menu click on New.
4. Click on Forward.
5. Type winxp for your system name, and click on Forward.
6. Select Fully virtualized, and click Forward.
7. Specify either CD-ROM or DVD, and enter the path to install media. Specify ISO Image
location if you will install from an ISO image. Click Forward.
8. Select Simple File, type /xen/winxp.img for your file location. Specify 6000 MB, and click
9. Select 1024 for your VM Startup and Maximum Memory, and select 2 for VCPUs. Click
Forward .
10.Click Finish.
11.The Virtual Machine Console window appears. Proceed as normal and finish up the
12.Choose to format the C:\ partition in FAT file system format. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
does not come with NTFS kernel modules. Mounting or writing files to the Xen guest image
may not be as straight-forward if you were to format the partition in NTFS file system format.
13.After you reboot the system for the first time, edit the winxp guest image: losetup
/dev/loop0 /xen/winxp.imgkpartx -av /dev/loop0mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1
/mntcp -prv $WINDOWS/i386 /mnt/. This fixes a problem that you may face in the later
part of the Windows installation.
14.Restart the Xen guest manually by typing: xm create -c winxp/.