User guide

Chapter 16: How to Use Reliable Messaging Function for Web Services (SOAP)
Figure 16-1 Reliable Messaging PUSH Screen - Deploying the Receiver Application dialog
Web service identifier
Identifier for the receiver application.
Receiver application class name
Specify the Java class name of the receiver application using the full package name.
The Java class must be placed under a path set to the environmental variable CLASSPATH.
Receiver server ID
Specify the ID that represents the receiver server agreed upon with the sender client.
The format used to specify the Receiver server ID must follow "NMTOKEN" of XML and the
characters of the ID must be usable for the file name and directory name. Any name that is
unrelated to the machine name and user name is also allowed.
If the reliable messaging function is to be used in one server system, specify a Receiver server ID
that is the same for all SOAP messages and transmission destinations. It is also necessary to
specify the same Receiver server ID if multiple servlet containers operate in one server system.