Programming Guide

Glossary of Terms
HDLC High-level Data Link Control
HF High Frequency (in RFID, 13.56 MHz)
ICCM Interrogator Control and Concentrator Module
I/O Input/Output
LED Light-Emitting Diode
LF Line Feed
LF Low Frequency (in RFID, 125 or 134 KHz)
LSB Least Significant Bit
MSB Most Significant Bit
Multidrop Serial communication link with multiple devices sharing a
common wired connection (typically RS-485).
NACK Negative Acknowledge
NRM Normal Response Mode (HDLC mode)
NVM Non-Volatile Memory
OSI Open Systems Interface
POR Power On Reset
RF Radio Frequency
RF Continuous Reader automatically scans for tags in RF field
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RF Polled Reader only scans for tags in RF field on command
SARM Stand-Alone Reader Multiple frequency