Operating instructions

Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. Table of Contents Index Adjustments 49
2015-01-26 Table of Contents Index 401-652M
Unit-Mount Cleaner Adjustments
Refer to Figure 45 and Figure 46
Optional Martin row cleaners are unit-mounted, using:
UMRC: Unit-Mount Row Cleaner (stand-alone), or
UMC-RC: Unit-Mount Coulter RC (on coulter bracket,
with or without a coulter disk present).
There are two adjustments:
1. Wheel placement (forward or aft mounting hole, for
more or less aggressive cleaning), and
2. Wheel height, adjusted by a stop. Cleaner arms
float. The stop only sets the lowest position.
In UMRC mount, a pinned cross-tube on the mount
adjusts the depth. In UMC-RC (coulter) mount, a sliding
down-stop block adjusts how close to the ground the
row cleaners operate.
The row cleaner needs to be adjusted for your
conditions, crop changes, and as coulters and openers
wear. Ideally, cleaners contact only the trash, and do not
disturb the soil. If allowed to “dig”, row cleaners can
reduce seed coverage.
Suggested initial depth is tine tips at ground level.
Make the adjustment with the planter raised. Install
lift-assist cylinder locks. Also check bolt tightness prior
to each planting session, to avoid down-stop slippage.
To adjust the row cleaner:
1. Determine the height adjustment required. Measure
from the lowest tine to the ground. Determine the
desired new measurement.
2. Support most or all of the weight of the arm to
prevent injury and ease the adjustment. Loosen bolts
on UMC-RC. Remove bent pin on UMRC.
3. Support arm at desired height.
4. UMRC: Slide adjustment tube until cross-tube
contacts arm at target height. Insert bent pin in
whichever hole pair is most in alignment.
5. UMC-RC: Slide the down-stop on the arm :
- back toward the pivot for shallower cleaning, or
- forward toward the tines for deeper cleaning.
Tighten the bolts . Each possible hole pairing
adjusts the tine height by about
inch (19 mm).
6. Check the new height measurement.
Refer to Row Cleaner manual 204-085M-A for further
information on use, adjustment and maintenance of row
Sharp Object Hazard:
Wear hand protection when working in this area. Row cleaner
tines, casting edges and coulter blades are sharp.
Figure 45
UMRC: Cleaner Adjust
Figure 46
UMC-RC: Row Cleaner Adjust
5 2
1 3
6 4