User Guide

Light is too dim
Iris aperture is closed too
Open the iris aperture
Bulb setting is too low
Increase intensity on the
control wheel
Condenser lens is dirty
Wipe the condenser lens
off with a soft cloth
Voltage is too low
Use the supplied power
Objective lens collides with
the slide when switching
from a lower to a higher
power objective
Slide is upside down or too
Use a lab-quality slide or
flip the slide over so the
cover slip is facing up
Stage is set too close to
the objectives
Lower the stage with the
coarse focus knob
Safety rack stop needs
Adjust the safety rack stop
to stop the stage farther
from the objectives
Image won't come into
focus when using a
higher-powered objective
Slide is upside down
Flip the slide over so the
cover slip is facing up
Slide is not moving when
using the X-Y translational
control knob
Slide has come unclipped
from the holder
Reposition slide in the
holder and secure with clip
Lamp does not turn on
No power source
Check that the adapter is
fully connected or that
batteries are installed
Bulb has burned out
Replace the bulb
Lamp flickers while on
Bulb is not inserted into the
socket correctly
Check to make sure the
bulb is fully screwed into
the socket
Power adapter is not fully
plugged in
Check to make sure that
the adapter is fully
connected to wall socket
and to the microscope