Programming Instructions

Programming screen « Setup menu » Page 16/78
General programming instructions
a) Temperature analog input setting [1231]
Press to open the following screen.
« Simple » view
RI1 – Temperature Sensor enabled
- By checking or unchecking the check box you can choose to enable/disable the temperature sensor.
It’s disabled by default.
Scale -20…110°C
- Select the sensor measurement scale, on this selection button you will find the information of the
currently selected scale (-20…110°C).
Press to change it.
Each sensor has a « Customer » scale. By selecting this scale, it is then possible to select the low and
high level of the scale and the unit of measurement. (See next screen)
Starting delay time OFF Minute(s)
- Enter boot delay (polarization). Here disabled for this type of sensor (OFF).
Press to open the numeric keyboard and enter the desired value.
Adjustment possible from 0 à 480 Minute(s).
RI1 - Temperature Enabled
Analog input setting
RI1 - Temperature
Scale -20…110°C
Starting delay time
Sensor enabled