Network Router User Manual

The PLL, clocking, watchdog, and low-power modes are controlled by the registers listed in Table 3-13.
Table 3-13. PLL, Clocking, Watchdog, and Low-Power Mode Registers
0x00 7010
reserved 8
0x00 7017
reserved 0x00 7018 1
reserved 0x00 7019 1
HISPCP 0x00 701A 1 High-Speed Peripheral Clock Prescaler Register for HSPCLK clock
LOSPCP 0x00 701B 1 Low-Speed Peripheral Clock Prescaler Register for LSPCLK clock
PCLKCR 0x00 701C 1 Peripheral Clock Control Register
reserved 0x00 701D 1
LPMCR0 0x00 701E 1 Low Power Mode Control Register 0
LPMCR1 0x00 701F 1 Low Power Mode Control Register 1
reserved 0x00 7020 1
PLLCR 0x00 7021 1 PLL Control Register
SCSR 0x00 7022 1 System Control & Status Register
WDCNTR 0x00 7023 1 Watchdog Counter Register
reserved 0x00 7024 1
WDKEY 0x00 7025 1 Watchdog Reset Key Register
0x00 7026
reserved 3
0x00 7028
WDCR 0x00 7029 1 Watchdog Control Register
0x00 702A
reserved 6
0x00 702F
(1) All of the above registers can only be accessed by executing the EALLOW instruction.
(2) The PLL control register (PLLCR) is reset to a known state by the XRS signal only. Emulation reset (through Code Composer Studio)
does not reset PLLCR.
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