Calculator User Manual

Chapter 15: CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic Functions 418
3. Enter string2, which can be a string or string name. If necessary, press à and enter
string3, and so on.
4. Press Í to display the strings as a single string.
Selecting a String Function from the CATALOG
Selecting a String Function from the CATALOGSelecting a String Function from the CATALOG
Selecting a String Function from the CATALOG
To select a string function or instruction and paste it to the current screen, follow the
steps for selecting an item from the CATALOG.
Equ4String( converts to a string an equation that is stored to any VARS Y-VARS variable.
Yn contains the equation. Strn (from Str1 to Str9, or Str0) is the string variable to which
you want the equation to be stored as a string.