Calculator User Manual

234 Chapter 14: Split Screens
14SPLIT.DOC TI-89/TI-92 Plus:Split Screens (English) Susan Gullord Revised: 02/23/01 1:09 PM Printed: 02/23/01 2:16 PM Page 234 of 6
Mode Description
Number of Graphs
Note: Leave this set to 1
unless you have read
the applicable section
in Chapter 12.
Lets you set up and display two
independent sets of graphs.
This is an advanced graphing feature as
described in “Using the Two-Graph Mode”
in Chapter 12.
89 / TI
92 Plus
has commands that use pixel coordinates to
draw lines, circles, etc., on the Graph screen. The following charts
show how the
Split Screen
Split Screen Ratio
mode settings affect
the number of pixels available on the Graph screen.
Split 1 App Split 2 App
Split Ratio x y x y
N/A 0 – 158 0 – 76 N/A N/A
1:1 0 – 154 0 – 34 0 – 154 0 – 34
1:1 0 – 76 0 – 72 0 – 76 0 – 72
92 Plus:
Split 1 App Split 2 App
Split Ratio x y x y
N/A 0 – 238 0 –102 N/A N/A
1:1 0 – 234 0 – 46 0 – 234 0 – 46
1:2 0 – 234 0 – 26 0 – 234 0 – 68
2:1 0 – 234 0 – 68 0 – 234 0 – 26
1:1 0 – 116 0 – 98 0 –116 0 – 98
1:2 0 – 76 0 – 98 0 – 156 0 – 98
2:1 0 – 156 0 – 98 0 – 76 0 – 98
Method 1: Press
to display the
dialog box. Then set
Split Screen = FULL
. When you press
to close the
dialog box, the full-sized screen shows the application
specified in
Split 1 App
Method 2: Press
twice to display a full-sized Home screen.
Turning the
89 / TI-92 Plus
off does not exit the split screen mode.
If the calculator is turned off: When you turn the calculator on again:
When you press
The split screen is still in effect, but
the Home screen is always displayed
in place of the application that was
active when you pressed
By the Automatic Power
) feature, or
when you press
The split screen is just as you left it.
Other Modes that
Affect a Split Screen
Split Screens and
Pixel Coordinates
Tip: For a list of drawing
commands, refer to
“Drawing on the Graph
Screen” in Chapter 17.
Note: Due to the border
that indicates the active
application, split screens
have a smaller displayable
area than a full screen.
Exiting the Split
Screen Mode
When You Turn Off
the TI-89 / TI-92 Plus