User's Manual

Programming MSP430 Devices With the GUI
2.2 Programming MSP430 Devices With the GUI
2.2.1 Basic Procedure
The following steps should be used to program the MSP430 devices:
1) Click on the Program Device icon during the installation-selected program
group (default: ADT430). The MSP430 programmer dialog box appears.
The status line at the bottom of the window shows the actual or the most
recent activity (see Figure 2−1).
The status line displays the message Connecting to adapter... until the
programming adapter is detected and the baud rate is set.
2) Select the correct device and supply voltage.
3) Select the name of the object file (TI-TXT (.txt) or Intel-hex (.a43) format).
4) Select the additional options to program, if necessary using Erase Flash,
Erase Check, or Verify (see Note 1 at the end of Table 2−1).
5) Click on the Program button to start programming.
The status line at the bottom of the window shows the actual or most recent
activity (see Figure 2−1).
Figure 2−1. MSP430 Programmer Dialog Box