
17589 seconds equals 4 hours, 53 minutes, and 9 seconds.
P@ %O } %j
In the MathPrint™ mode, fractions with P can include
operation keys (T, V, etc.) and most function keys (F, _,
In Classic mode, fractions with P do not allow operation
keys, functions, or complex fractions in the numerator or
Note: In Classic mode and Data editor, use W to perform
complex division problems.
Calculations using fractions can display fraction or decimal
results, depending on input.
P enters a simple fraction. Pressing P before or after a
number can result in different behavior. Entering a number
before pressing P makes that number the numerator.
To enter fractions with operators, press P before you
enter a number (in MathPrint mode only).
In MathPrint mode, press $ between the entry of the
numerator and the denominator.
In Classic mode, press P between the entry of the
numerator and the denominator.
@ enters a mixed number. Press @ between the entry
of the unit and the numerator, and press $ between the
entry of the numerator and the denominator.
} n < simplifies a fraction by the factor n specified
The entry n must be a positive integer.
} < automatically simplifies a fraction using the
lowest common prime factor. The factor displays.
Repeatedly press } < to simplify the fraction to its
lowest terms.
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