Incor User's Guide Ethernet Media Access Controller TMS320C645x DSP
EMAC Port Registers
Table 49. Receive Multicast/Broadcast/Promiscuous Channel Enable Register (RXMBPENABLE) Field
Descriptions (continued)
Bit Field Value Description
22 RXCEFEN Receive copy error frames enable bit. Enables frames containing errors to be transferred to
memory. The appropriate error bit will be set in the frame EOP buffer descriptor.
0 Frames containing errors are filtered
1 Frames containing errors are transferred to memory
21 RXCAFEN Receive copy all frames enable bit. Enables frames that do not address match (includes multicast
frames that do not hash match) to be transferred to the promiscuous channel selected by
RXPROMCH bits. Such frames will be marked with the NOMATCH bit in their EOP buffer
0 Frames that do not address match are filtered
1 Frames that do not address match are transferred to the promiscuous channel selected by
20-19 Reserved 0 Reserved
18-16 RXPROMCH 0-3h Receive promiscuous channel select
0 Select channel 0 to receive promiscuous frames
1h Select channel 1 to receive promiscuous frames
2h Select channel 2 to receive promiscuous frames
3h Select channel 3 to receive promiscuous frames
4h Select channel 4 to receive promiscuous frames
5h Select channel 5 to receive promiscuous frames
6h Select channel 6 to receive promiscuous frames
7h Select channel 7 to receive promiscuous frames
15-14 Reserved 0 Reserved
13 RXBROADEN Receive broadcast enable. Enable received broadcast frames to be copied to the channel selected
by RXBROADCH bits.
0 Broadcast frames are filtered
1 Broadcast frames are copied to the channel selected by RXBROADCH bits
12-11 Reserved 0 Reserved
10-8 RXBROADCH 0-3h Receive broadcast channel select
0 Select channel 0 to receive broadcast frames
1h Select channel 1 to receive broadcast frames
2h Select channel 2 to receive promiscuous frames
3h Select channel 3 to receive broadcast frames
4h Select channel 4 to receive broadcast frames
5h Select channel 5 to receive broadcast frames
6h Select channel 6 to receive broadcast frames
7h Select channel 7 to receive broadcast frames
7-6 Reserved 0 Reserved
5 RXMULTEN RX multicast enable. Enable received hash matching multicast frames to be copied to the channel
selected by RXMULTCH bits.
0 Multicast frames are filtered
1 Multicast frames are copied to the channel selected by RXMULTCH bits
4-3 Reserved 0 Reserved
SPRU975B August 2006 Ethernet Media Access Controller (EMAC)/Management Data Input/Output (MDIO) 105
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