Incor User's Guide Ethernet Media Access Controller TMS320C645x DSP
5.32 FIFO Control Register (FIFOCONTROL)
EMAC Port Registers
The FIFO control register (FIFOCONTROL) is shown in Figure 60 and described in Table 60 .
Figure 60. FIFO Control Register (FIFOCONTROL)
31 23 22 16
R-0 R/W-2
15 5 4 0
R-0 R/W-24
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; - n = value after reset
Table 60. FIFO Control Register (FIFOCONTROL) Field Descriptions
Bit Field Value Description
31-23 Reserved 0 Reserved
22-16 RXFIFOFLOW Receive FIFO flow control threshold. Occupancy of the receive FIFO when Receive FIFO flow
THRESH control is triggered (if enabled). The default value is 0x2 which means that receive FIFO flow control
will be triggered when the occupancy of the FIFO reaches two cells.
15-5 Reserved 0 Reserved
4-0 TXCELLTHRESH Transmit FIFO cell threshold. Indicates the number of 64-byte packet cells required to be in the
transmit FIFO before the packet transfer is initiated. Packets with fewer cells will be initiated when
the complete packet is contained in the FIFO. This value must be greater then or equal to 2 and
less than or equal to 24.
Ethernet Media Access Controller (EMAC)/Management Data Input/Output (MDIO)118 SPRU975B August 2006
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