Network Card User Manual

100VG-AnyLAN Training
TNETE211 100VG-AnyLAN Demand Priority Physical Media Independent (PMI) Interface
If the training frame passes these criteria, it is valid. The driver updates a
counter showing the number of consecutive valid training frames passed. The
driver also keeps a separate counter showing how many frames are left in the
training window.
If the training frame does not pass the criteria, it is invalid. The driver must use
the counter which shows how many frames are left in the training window, and
if it is equal to or greater than 24, it restarts the exchange of frames.
If the training window does not allow the exchange of 24 frames, the driver
must request a new training window. This can be accomplished by:
Setting the TRFAIL bit and clearing the TRIDLE bit in the TLPHY_ctl register
Waiting for a status interrupt. A deadman timer (10 s) may be necessary
to ensure that the driver does not sit indefinitely in this state
Checking the RETRAIN bit in TLPHY_sts
when status interrupt arrives
Requesting the beginning of the training period by clearing the TRFAIL bit
and asserting the TRIDL bit in the TLPHY_ctl register
If the driver has successfully trained, the driver clears the TRIDLE bit in
TLPHY_ctl and exits the training routine. You must reinitialize the AREG0 reg-
ister to this adapter’s address, the HASH registers, and the CAF, CSF, and
NOBRX in the NetCmd register to their chosen values.