Host Controller Data Manual

Table 4–30. Isochronous Receive Context Control Register Description (Continued)
29 cycleMatchEnable RSCU
When this bit is set, the context begins running only when the 13-bit cycleMatch field (bits 24–12) in
the isochronous receive context match register (see Section 4.43) matches the 13-bit cycleCount
field in the cycleStart packet. The effects of this bit, however, are impacted by the values of other bits
in this register. Once the context has become active, hardware clears this bit. The value of this bit
must not be changed while bit 10 (active) or bit 15 (run) is set.
28 multiChanMode RSC
When this bit is set, the corresponding isochronous receive DMA context receives packets for all
isochronous channels enabled in the isochronous receive channel mask high (OHCI offset 70h/74h,
see Section 4.19) and isochronous receive channel mask low (OHCI offset 78h/7Ch, see Section
4.20) registers. The isochronous channel number specified in the isochronous receive context
match register (see Section 4.43) is ignored.
When this bit is cleared, the isochronous receive DMA context receives packets for that single
channel. Only one isochronous receive DMA context may use the isochronous receive channel
mask registers. If more than one isochronous receive context control register has this bit set, then
results are undefined. The value of this bit must not be changed while bit 10 (active) or bit 15 (run) is
set to 1.
27–16 RSVD R Reserved. Bits 27–16 return 0s when read.
15 run RSCU
This bit is set by software to enable descriptor processing for the context and cleared by software to
stop descriptor processing. The TSB12LV26 changes this bit only on a hardware or software reset.
14–13 RSVD R Reserved. Bits 14–13 return 0s when read.
12 wake RSU
Software sets this bit to cause the TSB12LV26 to continue or resume descriptor processing. The
TSB12LV26 clears this bit on every descriptor fetch.
11 dead RU
The TSB12LV26 sets this bit when it encounters a fatal error and clears the bit when software resets
bit 15 (run).
10 active RU The TSB12LV26 sets this bit to 1 when it is processing descriptors.
9–8 RSVD R Reserved. Bits 9–8 return 0s when read.
7–5 spd RU
This field indicates the speed at which the packet was received.
000 = 100 Mbits/sec,
001 = 200 Mbits/sec, and
010 = 400 Mbits/sec. All other values are reserved.
4–0 event code RU
For bufferFill mode, possible values are: ack_complete, evt_descriptor_read, evt_data_write, and
evt_unknown. Packets with data errors (either dataLength mismatches or dataCRC errors) and
packets for which a FIFO overrun occurred are backed out. For packet-per-buffer mode, possible
values are: ack_complete, ack_data_error, evt_long_packet, evt_overrun, evt_descriptor_read,
evt_data_write, and evt_unknown.