Users Manual

Now you need to go to TOE Developer Portal and set the following configuration for the device:
Parameter Value
“Post Events” > “IO1 Wake Up” >
Copy / paste the link from Webhooks and:
1. replace https to http
2. replace event to email_button
The link should look similar to the one shown below:
“Post Events” > “IO1 Wake Up” >
Leave it empty
“Force Updates” > “IO1 Wake Up” On
“IO3” Off
“Battery Monitor” Off
“Temperature Sensor” Off
Do not forget to press the button on the Cricket module for 1 second to fetch this configuration.
Now whenever you press the attached button to Cricket’s WAKE_UP pin you receive an email.
HTTP POST request with payload tags example
This example shows how you can configure Cricket to report a temperature every minute to your IFTTT
service (for example log temperature into a Google spreadsheet).
Open Developer Portal, select your device and set the following configuration:
Parameter Value
“Post Events” > “RTC Wake Up” > “URL”…. [you must copy paste your
url here]
“Post Events” > “RTC Wake Up” > “Data” {“value1”:“#batt”, “value2”:“#temp”}
“RTC” On
“RTC” > “RTC Units” Minutes
“RTC” > “RTC Units Value” 1
“Battery Monitor” On
“Temperature Sensor” On
Do not forget to press the button on the Cricket module for 1 second to fetch this configuration. Now
Cricket wakes up every minute and sends both the temperature and battery level to the IFTTT service.
The payload message sent by Cricket, for this example, looks like this:
{“value1” : “120”, “value2” : “22.0”}
If you wish you can calculate back the battery voltage on the client side with the following formula:
Batt_vcc = (3.5 / 256) * 120 = 1.64V
MQTT Example: use Mobile app
You can use any preferred MQTT client on your mobile. We recommend to start playing either with IoT
OnOff (for both Android and iOS) or IoT MQTT Panel (Android only) which is shown as an example below
Let's use the IoT MQTT Panel application as an example to demonstrate how to receive and visualise
data from Cricket by using native TOE MQTT broker (