User manual - Scripting_Guide

3.0 CETerm Automation Objects
This section describes the Automation Objects available to the CETerm script
engine. These objects provide access to the running CETerm application, TE
session screens, the Windows CE operating system, and other features for
developing rich applications.
The automation objects are accessed in a hierarchical manner similar to the
Document Object Model (DOM) of a webpage. The two top-level objects are
CETerm and OS. The CETerm object provides access to application specific
features whereas the OS object provides access to generic Operating System
(OS) features such as files and the device registry.
Automation objects provide some of the same functionality provided by the
Window object in the web browser. For example, the familiar Window methods
alert() and setTimeout() are provided by the OS.Alert() and
CETerm.SetTimeout() methods.
The CETerm object gives access to CETerm features, settings, and session
state. This section documents the methods and properties of the CETerm object.
The following methods are available
Method Action
AbortScript Abort the currently running script
ClearAllTimers Clear all SetTimeout and SetInterval timers
ClearInterval Clear a recurring interval timer
ClearTimeout Clear a one-time timer
GetProperty Get a property value
PlaySound Play a tone or wave file on the device (deprecated)
PlayTone Play a tone on the device (deprecated)
PostIDA Send a command to a session (asynchronous)
RunScript Run a script (called from a web browser only)
SendIDA Send a command to a session (synchronous)
SendText Send text to a session
Session Get a session object
SetInterval Create a recurring interval script execution timer
SetProperty Set a property value
SetScriptTimeout Set the current script execution timeout
SetTimeout Create a one-time script execution timer