User manual - Scripting_Guide

CETerm Scripting Guide Page 23
AbortScript( )
Stops the currently executing script.
ClearAllTimers( )
Clear all recurring interval timers and one-time timers.
ClearInterval( intervalTimerID )
Clear the specified recurring interval timer.
ClearTimeout( timerID )
Clear the specified one-time timer.
value = GetProperty( propertyName )
Return the named property value. This may be a device property, application
property, or session property. See Appendix 2 for a list of available properties.
Returns the JavaScript “undefined” value if the requested property cannot be
PlaySound( sound ) (deprecated)
Play a tone or wave file on the device. This PlaySound is not the same as the
Windows PlaySound of the OS object. This method will accept a wave file name
but it will also accept a “tone specifier” as a string to support this legacy feature in
the Naurtech Web Browser. New application should use the OS.PlaySound or
OS.PlayTone commands. Use the complete file path if the wave file is not in the
\Windows directory.
If the handheld device contains a programmable tone generator, the sound
parameter may also be a string which defines a sequence of tones to play. The
syntax is given below:
“vvfffddd” – where
vv – is the volume 01-10
fff – is the frequency in 10’s of MHz, 000-999
ddd – is the duration in 10’s of milliseconds, 000-999