Technical data

Required if defining a new service entry. Cannot be modified (use SET
NOSERVICE to delete the entry and then re-create the entry with the
modification you want to make).
Name of the service’s process.
Specify a character string up to 15 characters long. The name is truncated to 15
characters if it exceeds that limit.
/PROTOCOL=protocol [=options]
Optional. Default: TCP.
Protocol, and its parameters, that the service will use. To set these parameters,
use the following options:
Protocol Option Meaning
IP TYPE_OF_SERVICE=n Type of service, expressed as a
value between 0 and 255.
TIME_TO_LIVE=n Maximum number of hops that
packets can traverse before
being dropped.
[NO]DELAY Delays sending packets,
allowing multiple packets to
be combined into a single larger
packet before transmission.
Default: DELAY.
DROP_COUNT=n TCP connection-request timeout
interval for the service.
Maximum number of seconds to
probe for idle TCP connections
before such a connection times
out and closes.
PROBE_TIMER=seconds Number of seconds between
probes for idle connections.
UDP None Datagram socket type.
/REJECT {=[NO]HOSTS=(hosts) | =[NO]NETWORKS=(networks)
| =[NO]MESSAGE="text"] }
Optional. Default: No rejections if /ACCEPT is set to its default (service all
/REJECT=HOST=host denies host access to the service.
/REJECT=NOHOST=host regrants host access to the service.
The following options are available.
Command Descriptions 2–147