HP 3PAR OS 3.1.3 Command Line Interface Reference

The createcpg command creates a Common Provisioning Group (CPG).
Super, Edit
Any role that is granted the cpg_create right.
NOTE: You need access to all domains in order to run this command.
createcpg [options <arg>] CPG_name
templ <template_name>
Use the options defined in the template <template_name>. The template is created using the
createtemplate command. Options specified in the template are read-only or read/write. The
read/write options may be overridden with new options at the time of their creation, but read-only
options may not be overridden at creation time.
Options not explicitly specified in the template take their default values, and all of these options
are either read-only or read/write (using the -nro or -nrw options of the createtemplate
Forces the command. The command completes the process without prompting for confirmation.
aw <percent>
Specifies the percentage of used snapshot administration or snapshot data space that results in a
warning alert. A percent value of 0 disables the warning alert generation. The default is 0. This
option is deprecated and will be removed in a subsequent release.
NOTE: The following options, sdgs, sdgl, and sdgw, control the auto logical disk creation
for the common provisioning group’s snapshot data regions. Auto logical disk creation occurs
when the amount of free logical disk space falls below the specified grow (enlarge) size setting
options (sdgs, sdgl).
sdgs <size> [g|G|t|T]
Specifies the growth increment, the amount of logical disk storage that is created on each auto-grow
operation. The default and minimum growth increments vary according to the number of controller
nodes in the system. If <size> is non-zero, it must be 8 G or bigger. The size can be specified in
MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). A size of 0 disables the auto-grow feature.
The following table displays the default and minimum growth increments per number of nodes:
MinimumDefaultNumber of Nodes
8 GB32 GB1-2
16 GB64 GB3-4
24 GB96 GB5-6
32 GB128 GB7-8
createcpg 101