HP 3PAR OS 3.1.3 Command Line Interface Reference

It is recommended that these tasks are either allowed to finish or manually
cancelled before continuing.
Continuing with this REBOOT operation may cause some of these tasks to fail.
Shutting down this node will impact applications running on the system displayed
Do you REALLY want to REBOOT this node? yes or no: yes
The node will REBOOT in 15 seconds
Press the enter key to stop...
The node will REBOOT in 12 seconds
Press the enter key to stop...
The node will REBOOT in 9 seconds
Press the enter key to stop...
The node will REBOOT in 6 seconds
Press the enter key to stop...
The node will REBOOT in 3 seconds
Press the enter key to stop...
The system manager executes a set of validation checks before proceeding with the shutdown.
If any of the following conditions exists, the shutdown operation will not proceed:
The system software upgrade is in progress.
The target node is not online.
If the system is processing tasks, a warning message is displayed which informs the user
that tasks are running and the shutdown operation may cause some tasks to fail. If the
user confirms the shutdown operation, the specified node will reboot even if tasks are
running. Note:
NOTE: If no tasks are running when the initial checks are performed but subsequently
a new task starts, the shutdown will fail.
If any other node is online but not yet integrated into the cluster.
If another shutdown node operation is already in progress.
If the shutdown node operation will result in the system shutdown due to loss of quorum.
One or more orphaned logical disks exist on the system that cannot be preserved.
One or more admin logical disks cannot be reset, resulting in the kernel being unable to
access meta data from those LDs.
One or more data (user or snap) logical disks cannot be reset, causing their associated
VLUNs to become inaccessible to host applications.
524 Shutdown Commands