HP 3PAR OS 3.1.3 Command Line Interface Reference

Sort in increasing order (default).
Sort in decreasing order.
Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows that have the same information
in them as earlier columns will be sorted by values in later columns.
VVs with names that match either the specified VV_name or glob-style pattern are included. Data
for all VV members of a specified VV set may also be requested. VV set name must be prefixed
by "set:" and can also include patterns. This specifier can be repeated to include multiple VV
names, sets, or patterns. If not specified, all VVs are included.
The following example displays aggregate hourly VV space information for VVs with names
matching either "dbvv*" or "testvv*" patterns beginning 24 hours ago:
cli% srvvspace -hourly -btsecs -24h dbvv* testvv*
The following example displays VV space information for the most recent daily sample aggregated
by the VV name for VVs with names that match the pattern "tp*".
cli% srvvspace -daily -attime -groupby vv_name tp*
For this command: 1 MB = 1048576 bytes.
Because VVs can belong to multiple VV sets, requesting data for more than one VV set can include
duplicate data for any VVs with multiple membership.
srvvspace 583