HP 3PAR Solaris Implementation Guide

- -
# iscsiadm list target-param -v
Target: iqn.2000-05.com.3pardata:20310002ac00003e
Alias: -
Bi-directional Authentication: enabled
Authentication Type: CHAP
CHAP Name: -S062
Login Parameters (Default/Configured):
9. Remove and create a new iSCSI session and invoke devfsadm -i iscsi to discover the
targets and all the LUNs.
NOTE: CHAP authentication will not be in effect for the most recently added devices until
the current connection is removed and a new connection session is enabled. To enable
authentication for all the devices, stop all associated I/O activity and unmount any file systems
before creating the new connection session. This procedure is required each time a change
is made to the CHAP configuration.
Disabling Bidirectional CHAP
To disable the CHAP authentication, follow these steps:
1. On the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage, issue the sethost removechap <hostname>
# sethost removechap solarisiscsi
# showhost -chap
Id Name -Initiator_CHAP_Name- -Target_CHAP_Name-
1 solarisiscsi -- --
2. On the host, disable and remove the target CHAP authentication on each target.
# iscsiadm list target
# iscsiadm modify target-param -B disable iqn.2000-05.com.3pardata:21310002ac00003e
# iscsiadm modify target-param -B disable iqn.2000-05.com.3pardata:20310002ac00003e
# iscsiadm modify target-param --authentication NONE
# iscsiadm modify target-param --authentication NONE
# iscsiadm modify initiator-node --authentication NONE
3. Verify that authentication is disabled.
# iscsiadm list initiator-node
scsiadm list initiator-node
Initiator node name: iqn.1986-03.com.sun:01:0003bac3b2e1.45219d0d
Login Parameters (Default/Configured):
Authentication Type: NONE
# iscsiadm list target-param -v
Target: iqn.2000-05.com.3pardata:20310002ac00003e
Alias: -
Bi-directional Authentication: disabled
Authentication Type: NONE
Configuring CHAP Authentication (Optional) 25