Event Monitoring Service Version A.04.00 Release Notes

Event Monitoring Service Version A.04.00 Release Notes
Patches and Fixes in this Version
Chapter 116
Patches and Fixes in this Version
Required and Recommended Patches
The contents of Event Monitoring Service A.03.20.01 and A.03.40 has been incorporated into
A.04.00 release.
Fixes and Changes
The following defects have been fixed in Event Monitoring Service version A.04.00:
Problem: After a second reboot, following the first reboot in quick succession, PSM monitor
(psmmon) requests are deleted and the persistence files is set to zero bytes.
Resolution: The EMS startup and shutdown scripts are modified to remove and touch a file
respectively. psmmon on detecting the touched file under a dual reboot condition, sends
RM_NOT_READY signal instead of the RM_REJECT signal. Hence the requests are not deleted
from the persistence file.
Problem: When hardware monitoring is disabled using monconfig(K), persistent requests
that are setup using the EMS GUI sometimes get deleted and sometimes not.
Resolution: p_client has been changed such that all the persistent requests for hardware
resources configured through the EMS GUI are deleted when hardware monitoring is
disabled. This is the right behaviour, which is also explained during monconfig(K)
Problem: EMS diskmond persistence requests are lost after a reboot.
Resolution: Now, the registrar sends the RM_NOT_READY signal when there is a delay in the
monitor initialization.
Problem: At times, multiple instances of the same monitor may be running on the system.
Resolution: Now, the parent process releases the semaphore only when the child process has
successfully started the monitor or when the child process dies before opening the pipe file for
the monitor.