Event Monitoring Service Version A.04.00 Release Notes

Event Monitoring Service Version A.04.00 Release Notes
Patches and Fixes in this Version
Chapter 1 17
Problem: During the upgrade of the OnlineDiag bundle, some persistent monitor requests
may be deleted and not re-established after the upgrade.
Resolution: Create the upgrade_touch file in the /etc/opt/resmon/monitors directory by
using the touch /etc/opt/resmon/monitors/upgrade_touch command. If the
upgrade_touch file is present, the EMS persistence client will not attempt to invoke the
monitors corresponding to the resources mentioned in the disable_resource.config file
under the /etc/opt/resmon/monitors directory. Users need to edit this file and add resource
names of the monitors, which will be upgraded. For the resources that are handled by the
OnlineDiag bundle, the disable_resource.config file is already updated. This file is to be
deleted after the upgrade is complete by using the rm
/etc/opt/resmon/monitors/upgrade_touch command.
Problem: Upon system restart and/or monitor restart, some persistent monitor requests
associated with the various MIB monitors (clustermond, rdbmsmond, fsmond, lanmond,
mibmond, pkgmond, and svcmond) may be deleted due to delay in monitor initialization.
Resolution: For MIB monitors that are being initialized, registrar now sends RM_NOT_READY
message to the client. When the client receives this message, it continues to maintain all
persistence requests of the MIB monitors
Problem: Some EMS clients may not be able to register monitoring requests upon system
restart, thus causing "Event 11" error to be logged to the /etc/opt/resmon/log/client.log
Resolution: A new API is added to the libresmon library to fix this problem. It is described in
the /etc/opt/resmon/lib/NewClientAPI.readme file.
Problem: This is an enhancement to the resls utility. The ability to check the resource
value/state is not available in the resls utility from the command line.
Resolution: Now, resls has the -s option that outputs the status of the resource to standard
Problem: EMS does not work properly when a system is booted in single user mode, and then
issues init 3 to start up the system process.
Resolution: The ems startup script /sbin/rc2.d/S900ems has been changed so that EMS
works properly when moving from runlevel 1 to runlevel 3.