HP Serviceguard Toolkit for Enterprise DB PPAS for Linux User Guide Version A.12.00.00

cmmodpkg -e -n node1 -n node2 ppas_pkg
cmmodpkg -e ppas_pkg
8. After you configure the EnterpriseDB toolkit packages, move the EDB startup script in the
/etc/init.d directory by using the following command on all the cluster nodes:
mv /etc/init.d/ppas-<EDB PPAS version> /etc/init.d/ppas-<EDB PPAS version> .old
mv /etc/init.d/ppasAgent-<EDB PPAS version> /etc/init.d/ppasAgent-<EDB PPAS
version> .old
EDB PPAS supports multiple-instance configuration on the same node. Using the EDB PPAS
toolkit, you can configure multiple EDB PPAS toolkit packages to run on the same node. Each
copy of the EDB PPAS toolkit serves only one package. Therefore, to configure multiple
packages, you must create separate directories, at the rate of one directory per package, and
configure each package to run a unique database instance.
Repeat the steps above to create multiple EDB PPAS database instances running in the
Serviceguard for Linux environment.
12 Configuring the EDB PPAS toolkit