Using HP Serviceguard for Linux with VMware

6. Use the following command on the ESX host to see a list of the VM configuration files:
# vmware-cmd –l
7. On the ESX host, enable the option for time synchronization between host and guest operating
systems by setting tools.syncTime = "TRUE" in the .vmx configuration file for this VM.
If this entry is not in the .vmx file, add it manually.
8. Boot the VM guest.
9. To verify that the tools are installed properly, check that the daemon process vmware-guestd is
running on the guest, use the command
# service vmware-tools status
on the guest.
You should see:
vmware-guestd is running
About vminfo
Serviceguard running on VMs uses the vminfo
command to get information about the virtualization
platform. When invoked (vminfo –M), it returns the ESX host name and the default timeout value. A
symbolic link cmvminfo is created for this command in the $SGSBIN directory.
This command gets installed by default when HP Serviceguard A.11.19 and later patches are
installed on VMs.
Installing vminfo
(From Serviceguard A.11.18.02 to later patches of Serviceguard A.11.18 )
HP has released separate vminfo rpms for SUSE and RedHat Linux. They are vmtoolkit-0.1-
0.sles10.noarch.rpm, vmtoolkit-0.1-0.rhel4.noarch.rpm, and vmtoolkit-0.1-0.rhel5.noarch.rpm.
These rpms are delivered with the Serviceguard for Linux Contributed Toolkit Suite which you can
download onto the host from
-> High Availability ->
Serviceguard for Linux Contributed
Toolkit Suite.
Install the appropriate vmtoolkit rpm using the following command on the guest:
# rpm –ihv vmtoolkit-0.1-0.xxxxx.noarch.rpm
Where “xxxxx” is the appropriate distribution designator.
The command is installed in the directory /opt/hp/vmtoolkit/ on the guest.
If HP Serviceguard A.11.19 is installed in your environment, then you need not install the vminfo
command. This command is shipped with the HP Serviceguard A.11.19 rpm and gets installed, by
default, with the Serviceguard installation.
About sg_persist
If a Serviceguard cluster has one or more VM nodes, all the nodes of the cluster must have the
sg_persist command installed. The sg_persist command is used for SCSI persistent reservation and is
available with the Linux distributions. On SLES10, this command is installed during OS installation;
on Red Hat, you need to install it.
This command is is functionally similar to the hpvminfo command used on guests running in an HP Integrity VM environment