Using SAMBA Toolkit in a ServiceGuard for Linux (SG/LX) Cluster Version A.01.00, June 2003

Using SAMBA Toolkit in a ServiceGuard for Linux (SG/LX) Cluster Version A.01.00
Chapter 1 3
1 Using SAMBA Toolkit in a
ServiceGuard for Linux (SG/LX)
Cluster Version A.01.00
This README file describes the High Availability SAMBA Toolkit for
use under the SG/LX environment. The README file is intended for
users who want to install and configure SAMBA application toolkit on
SG/LX cluster. It assumes that readers are already familiar with
ServiceGuard configuration as well as SAMBA Server application
concepts and their installation/configuration procedures.
The paper is divided into the following sections:
SAMBA Package Configuration Overview
Setting Up SAMBA Server Application for a SG/LX Cluster
Setting Up SAMBA Server Packages on a SG/LX Cluster
Setting Up SAMBA Toolkits Running SAMBA Server Packages
NOTE This toolkit supports SG/LX version A.11.14.02 and the version of
SAMBA that comes with SG/LX supported Linux distributions. As such,
RedHat AdvancedServer 2.1, RedHat 7.3, and SuSE Linux Enterprise
Server 8 powered by UnitedLinux 1.0 (subsequently referred to as SLES
8/UL 1.0) are supported.)
The SAMBA Toolkit for SG/LX consists of a set of shell scripts for
configuration, starting up, shutting down and monitoring the SAMBA
Server application. These scripts work together with a SG/LX Package