Secure Shell (SSH) in HP Systems Insight Manager 5.1 and 5.2

a copy of this public key. The SSH client uses the user’s private key to encrypt a message sent to the
SSH server. The SSH server uses the user’s public key to decrypt this message. If this is successful, the
user is authenticated because th
e message must have been sent by a client with access to the private
Host Based
authentication is very similar to the user public key authentication, and is also based on
public and private keys. In this case, separate keys are not used for each us
er. Instead, a single key
pair is used to authenticate the SSH client system and the SSH server trusts the client as to the identity
of the individual users. The SSH client uses the client system’s private key to encrypt a message to the
server, and the S
SH server uses the public key for that client system (host) to decrypt the message. If
this is successful, the user supplied by the client is authenticated. HP SIM 5.x utilizes this
authentication method in addition to public key authentication.
authentication uses the familiar mechanism to authenticate a user. The user name and
password are sent over the encrypted channel to the SSH server, which authenticates the user using
the supplied password. HP SIM 5.x also supports this method.
The di
agram below shows how the key files are used by the SSH server and client.
SSH Client SSH Server
SSH Server keys
User auth
(public key)
Known Hosts
(public key)
User Keys
(public key)
Host Keys
SSH Server on Windows
While HP
UX and most Linux distributions usually ship with SSH or OpenSSH already installed, the
same is not true of Window
based operating systems. HP SIM provides a version of OpenSSH to be
used on Windows systems. This is installed along with the rest of the HP SIM software when being
installed on a Windows platform (thereafter called the CMS). For managed systems, it can
installed from the Management CD, downloaded from the HP SIM website
) or deployed from HP SIM to other Windows systems. Functionality
has been added to HP SIM for improved deploymen
t to all Windows systems.
SSH was originally implemented for UNIX
like operating systems and is part of OpenBSD. OpenSSH
is an outgrowth of that effort. To easily port it to be used on Windows systems, an emulation layer
called Cygwin is used. Cygwin prov
ides a UNIX emulation layer so that UNIX software can be easily
ported to Windows. It also includes well
known security problems. For example, it creates world
readable data structures to emulate UNIX processes. The potential exists for a non
on the managed system to interfere with tasks run on that system. To make OpenSSH more secure, the
version distributed with HP SIM contains a modified Cygwin compatibility layer that restricts access to
these data structures to members of the Adminis
trator’s group. The OpenSSH version shipped with HP
SIM only allows Windows Administrators to log into the Windows system by way of SSH. Further,