Using the HP DTC Manager/UX

Other dtcmodifyconfs parameter definitions
The syntax is:
dtc (Mandatory) The name of the target DTC to modify. This is the same DTC name
you used when you added the DTC using dtcconfig. A DTC name must be from 1 to
8 alphanumeric characters, including hyphens (-) and underscores (_). Note that the
first character must be alphabetic. An asterisk (*) is a wildcard character.
board The name or number of the target board to modify. The board parameter is one of
the following:
C or c CPU/LAN on a DTC 48 or DTC 16.
L or l LAN on a DTC 72MX or DTC 16TN.
B or b Board of a DTC 16TN.
0 ... 5 Board number for a DTC 48.
0 or 1 Board number for a DTC 16.
0 ... 3 Board number for a DTC 72MX.
You can also specify a range of boards using a hyphen (-), such as 0-3 for boards 0,
1, 2, and 3.
port The number of the port to modify. It is one of the following:
0 ... 7 Direct connect board on a DTC 48 or DTC 16.
0 ... 5 Modem board on a DTC 48 or DTC 16.
0 ... 23 For a 24-port MUX board on a DTC 72MX.
0 ... 15 For a DTC 16TN.
You can also specify a range of ports using a hyphen (-), such as 0-3 for ports 0, 1, 2,
and 3.