HP-UX Directory Server 8.1 plug-in reference

Table Of Contents
static Slapi_MatchingRuleEntry
integerMatch = { INTEGERMATCH_OID, NULL /* no alias? */,
"The rule evaluates to TRUE if and only if the attribute value
and the assertion value are the same integer value.",
INTEGER_SYNTAX_OID, 0 /* not obsolete */ };
int_init( Slapi_PBlock *pb )
int rc;
rc = slapi_matchingrule_register(&integerMatch);
Table 14-14 “Front end API functions for Slapi_MatchingRuleEntry” summarizes the front end
API functions that can be called to work with matching rules.
Syntax This function has the following syntax:
typedef struct slapi_matchingRuleEntry {
char *mr_oid;
char *mr_oidalias;
char *mr_name;
char *mr_desc;
char *mr_syntax;
int mr_obsolete;
} Slapi_MatchingRuleEntry;
typedef struct slapi_matchingRuleEntry Slapi_MatchingRuleEntry;
See also
Table 14-14 Front end API functions for Slapi_MatchingRuleEntry
Call this function:To perform this action:
Compare two berval structures to determine if they are
slapi_mr_filter_index()Call the indexer function associated with an extensible
match filter.
slapi_matchingrule_free()Free the specified matching rule structure (and optionally,
its members) from memory.
slapi_matchingrule_get()Get information about a matching rule.
slapi_mr_indexer_create()Call the indexer factory function for the plug-in responsible
for a specified matching rule.
Allocate memory for a new Slapi_MatchingRuleEntry
slapi_matchingrule_register()Register the specified matching rule with the server.
slapi_matchingrule_set()Set information about the matching rule.
slapi_matchingrule_is_ordering()Determines if a matching rule is a valid ordering matching
rule for the given syntax.
slapi_matchingrule_unregister()Reserved for future use.
14.25 Slapi_Mod
Represents a single LDAP modification to a directory entry.
134 Data type and structure reference