HP-UX Directory Server 8.1 plug-in reference

Table Of Contents
#include "slapi-plugin.h"
slapi_value_init_string(Slapi_Value *v,const char *s);
Parameters This function takes the following parameters:
Pointer to the value to be initialized. The pointer must not be NULL.v
A null-terminated string used to initialize the value.
Returns This function returns a pointer to the initialized Slapi_Value structure (itself).
42.14 slapi_value_init_string_passin()
Description This function initializes a Slapi_Value structure with the value contained in the
string. The string is not duplicated and must be freed.
#include "slapi-plugin.h"
Slapi_Value * slapi_value_init_string_passin (Slapi_value *v,
char *s);
Parameters This function takes the following parameters:
Pointer to the value to initialize. The pointer must not be NULL.v
A null-terminated string used to initialize the value.
Returns This function returns a pointer to the initialized Slapi_Value structure (itself).
Memory concerns The string will be freed when the Slapi_Value structure is freed from
memory by calling “slapi_value_init_string_passin()”.
See also
42.15 slapi_value_new()
Description This function returns an empty Slapi_Value structure. You can call other functions
of the API to set the value.
#include "slapi-plugin.h"
Parameters This function does not take any parameters.
Returns This function returns a pointer to the newly allocated Slapi_Value structure. If space
cannot be allocated (for example, if no more virtual memory exists), the slapd program
Memory concerns When you are no longer using the value, free it from memory by calling
See also
340 Functions for handling values