HP Fortran Programmer's Reference (September 2007)

assignment, 98
expressions, 85
glossary, 671
pointer assignment, 99
subscript triplet, 69
vector subscript, 70
arrays, 55
actual arguments, 61
adjustable, 60
allocatable, 64, 275, 276, 317
ALLOCATED intrinsic, 81
array constructors, 75
array pointers, 63, 131, 671
array-valued component reference, 72
array-valued functions, 79
as operands, 85
assignment, masked, 492
ASSOCIATED intrinsic, 81
assumed-shape, 61
assumed-size, 65
automatic, 60
bounds, 57, 323, 672
conformable, 57
constructors, 671
deallocating, 317
declaration, 59
deferred-shape, 63
derived type definition, 125
DIMENSION statement, 59, 322
dimensions, 57
dummy arguments, 60, 61, 65, 172, 674
element, 323, 671
element order, 57, 671
elemental intrinsic functions, 504
elements, 57
EQUIVALENCE statement, 355
examples, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 69, 70,
73, 76, 77, 79
explicit-shape, 59
expressions, 77
extent, 57
fundamentals, 57
glossary, 671
I/O restrictions, 223
initialization, 75, 94
inquiry intrinsics, 504
intrinsics, 79, 81, 511
masked array assignment, 101
operands, 77
POINTER attribute, 61
properties, 57
rank, 57
rank-one arrays, 68, 70, 75, 81
scalar assignment, 98
scalars in array expressions, 77
sections, 68
sequence association, 172
shape, 57
SHAPE intrinsic, 81
size, 57
SIZE intrinsic, 81
storage order, 57
stride, 69
subscripts, 57
substring, 68, 70
type declaration statement, 111
UBOUND intrinsic, 81
VIRTUAL statement, 490
VOLATILE statement, 491
WHERE construct, 492
whole array, 57, 680
zero-sized, 57, 69, 77
glossary, 671
intrinsic functions, 79
structure-component reference, 72
user-defined functions, 79
ASA carriage control, 227
asa command, 227
blanks, 212
ASCII collating sequence
ACHAR intrinsic, 515
IACHAR intrinsic, 555
LGE intrinsic, 580, 582
LGT intrinsic, 581
LLT intrinsic, 582
ASIN intrinsic function, 524
ASIND intrinsic function, 525
ASINH intrinsic function, 526
ASSIGN statement, 279
assigned GO TO statement, 365
assigned GO TO statement, 365
ASSIGN statement, 279
execution control, 148
assigning space to pointers, 428
assignment, 83, 97
array sections, 98
assignment statement, 97
defined, 187