HP Fortran Programmer's Reference (September 2007)

complex, 107
COMPLEX statement, 305
data representation models, 507
derived types, 123
DOUBLE COMPLEX statement, 330
DOUBLE PRECISION statement, 332
glossary, 674
integer, 107
integer representation, 509
INTEGER statement, 385
logical, 107
LOGICAL statement, 395
pointers, 131
real, 107
real representation, 509
REAL statement, 445
DATAN intrinsics function, 528
DATAN2 intrinsics function, 528
DATAN2D intrinsics function, 529
DATAND intrinsics function, 530
DATANH intrinsics function, 530
date and time
intrinsic procedures, 511
libU77 routines, 647
DATE intrinsic subroutine, 539
DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic subroutine, 540
DATEY2K, 648
DAXPY routine, 656
DBLE intrinsic function, 541
DBLEQ intrinsics function, 542
DCMPLX intrinsic function, 542
DCONJG intrinsics function, 535
DCOPY routine, 656
DCOS intrinsics function, 516, 536
DCOSD intrinsics function, 536
DCOSH intrinsics function, 537
DDIM intrinsics function, 544
DDINT intrinsics function, 520
DDOT routine, 656
DEALLOCATE statement, 317
allocatable arrays, 64
ALLOCATE statement, 277
deallocating objects, 317
debugging lines, 52
declaring data
arrays, 59
BYTE statement, 109, 289
CHARACTER statement, 109, 296
COMPLEX statement, 109, 305
derived types, 126
DOUBLE COMPLEX statement, 109, 330
DOUBLE PRECISION statement, 109, 332
INTEGER statement, 109, 385
intrinsic types, 109
LOGICAL statement, 109, 395
REAL statement, 109, 445
DECODE statement, 319
ENCODE statement, 339
DEFAULT clause
CASE statement, 293
deferred-shape arrays, 63
glossary, 674
defined assignment, 187
glossary, 674
defined operators, 185
glossary, 674
derived types, 123
procedures, 161
DELIM= specifier
errors, 669
INQUIRE statement, 377
list-directed I/O, 211
list-directed output, 211
OPEN statement, 411
delimiters for character constants, 118
glossary, 674
derived types, 123
array-valued component reference, 72
basic operations, 123
common blocks, 125
components of same type, 126
declaration, 481
defining, 123, 484
edit descriptor, 241
EQUIVALENCE statement, 353
equivalencing, 125
example program, 128
glossary, 674
naming, 484
PRIVATE statement, 124, 434, 484
PUBLIC statement, 124, 438, 484
sequence derived type, 125, 460, 678
SEQUENCE statement, 124, 125, 460
structure component, 125
structure constructor, 126
TYPE statement, 481, 484
DEXP intrinsics function, 550
DFLOAT intrinsic function, 543
DFLOTI intrinsics function, 543